
2023年12月13日—ChrisPCWinExperienceIndexisafree,butad-supportedPCassessmentappandhardwarediagnostictool,developedbyChrisP.C.srlforWindows ...,RateyourcomputeronWindows8.1with1click.FastaccesstoWindowsExperienceIndexscoresonWindows7,8,8.1and10.ShareyourWEIscoresasaJPEG ...,ChrisPCWinExperienceIndexletsyourateyourcomputerandchecktheWindowsExperienceIndexonyourWindows8.1andWindows10installation.,...

ChrisPC Win Experience Index

2023年12月13日 — ChrisPC Win Experience Index is a free, but ad-supported PC assessment app and hardware diagnostic tool, developed by Chris P.C. srl for Windows ...

ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.19.25

Rate your computer on Windows 8.1 with 1 click. Fast access to Windows Experience Index scores on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Share your WEI scores as a JPEG ...

ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.24.11

ChrisPC Win Experience Index lets you rate your computer and check the Windows Experience Index on your Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 installation.

ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.24.11

2011年7月24日 — ChrisPC Win Experience Index is a software tool developed by Chris P.C. srl that measures your computer's performance using the Windows ...

ChrisPC Win Experience Index Version History

ChrisPC Win Experience Index - History. Version 7.24.11 (December 11, 2023). Improved support for Windows 11 and Windows 10. Other fixes and improvements.

Download ChrisPC Win Experience Index

ChrisPC Win Experience Index features a highly intuitive graphic interface that only displays the ratings, without any unnecessary menus or buttons. ChrisPC Win ...

Download ChrisPC Win Experience Index for Windows 11 ...

ChrisPC Win Experience Index is a useful tool for quickly assessing the performance of a PC. It provides a quick and clear report to identify any possible ...

Windows Experience Index

2018年1月22日 — ChrisPC Win Experience Index is a free software for non-commercial use. ChrisPC Win Experience Index has many key features like: - Brings ...

Windows Experience Index on Windows 11, on ...

2023年12月11日 — ChrisPC Win Experience Index is a free software for non-commercial use. You can improve your computer graphics, gaming performance, internet ...

找回win8.1体验指数(ChrisPC Win Experience Index)

ChrisPC的第三方Windows体验指数工具,就通过它来生成分数——与你在Windows 8中见到的分数一样。